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Whether you are in ASAP because of a court order, DMV requirement or for any other reason, you may have questions like: “what is ASAP?” “how much does it cost to attend it?” “will this help me to restore my license whether restricted or in full?” and other very relevant and very reasonable inquiries. I plan to address those questions and more in the following paragraphs of this article. 

The Alcohol Safety Action Program is a program that addresses substance abuse issues and intervention among other things. It is a tool used to help create better safety practices on the road while allowing a person whose license has been suspended an opportunity to restore their license in some way. Essentially this is a second chance program. 


The Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program is the same thing as ASAP however, this is the commission that creates and controls the programs. This commission by statute is responsible for structuring, staffing and funding the Alcohol Safety Action Program.